Therapeutic evaluation of Seabuckthorn oil in cutaneous burn wound healing in bovine: A clinico- haematological study


Akhilesh Chandra Varshney, A.Kumar, S.P.Tyagi and V.Singh, College

of Veterinary and Animal Sci, CSKHPKV, Palampur, India

Seabuckthorn oil is known for its various therapeutic applications. The present study was conducted on nine 6-12 months old male calves weighing 80-100 Kg to verify the therapeutic potential of seabuckthorn on cutaneous burn wounds. The animals were randomly divided into 3 Groups of 3 animals each viz. Group I (liquid paraffin, negative control), Group II (5% povidone-iodine, positive control), Group III (Seabuckthorn oil, test). In each animal, six equidimentional (2cmx2cm) full thickness burn wounds, 3 on either side of the skin of vertebral column at thoracolumbar region were created under local infiltration analgesia. The wound dressing was started immediately after the creation of the wounds as per the different group’s treatment regimens. The efficacy of different treatments was monitored by clinical and haematological parameters at 0, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The rectal temperature, heart rate, respiration rate and haematological parameters remained within the normal physiological range.