Study on distribution pattern through RS


Kumar Dwivedi, India

Field Research Laboratory (DRDO), HQ 14 Corps C/O 56b APO, Leh Ladakh (J&K)-194 101


summary of presentation:

topic: studies on genetic diversity and distribution of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) through remote sensing in cold arid regions of India.


an extensive study was conducted to identify the genetic diversity of seabuckthorn in cold arid region of India. about 200 fruit samples were collected and about 120 genotypes were analysed for theier physico-chemical properties. considerable variation in fruit shape, size, color, weight, volume, pH, t.s.s., acidity, vit. C, sugar, seed, juice and pomace content were recorded from the naturally growing population of seabuckthorn.

in order to estimate the area under seabuckthorn, most modern techniques of remote sensing were applied and satellite pictures were obtained. the seabuckthorn signatures were matched on the picture and total area under seabuckthorn were estimated.