Privalov G.F., Solonenko L.P., Skuridin G.M.

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia.

Results of seabuckthorn mutation breeding are integrated in this paper. General tasks of seabuckthorn mutation breeding and ways to realize them in accordance with biological characters are discussed.

Authors conclude that the induced mutation approach has greatly contributed to seabuckthorn breeding in Russia. More than 600 experimental plants are being tested, 23 varieties and about 20 prospective specimens have been obtained in seven breeding institutions up to the present. It was shown that the induced mutagenesis markedly increases genetic variability and it considerably shortens the time of developing a new variety. It was established that low sub-lethal doses of ionizing irradiation are most effective.

Data on seabuckthorn seed sensitivity to physical and chemical agents are generalized. The cases of long-term effects of mutagen application are described. The problems of somatic mutation identification and conservation in a range of generations are discussed. A set of morphological mutations in seabuckthorn are described and classified. Data on mutagen effect on plant sex expression, fruit weight, content of oil, ascorbic acid, total carotenoids and sugars are generalized.