Cesar Dulfredo Portillo Arano

The knowledge of the existence of Seabuckthorn in Bolivia, comes from 1995, the year in which Dr. Lu Rongsen arrived in a special mission of consultancy and promotion of the plant to Bolivia. Dr. Rongsen visited many kinds of geographic sceneries of Bolivia, in provinces like La Paz, Potosi, Chuquisaca and Cochabamba. In these occasion he left some types of seeds for an experimental study in the recommended places.

Currently, and since 1999, many experiences have been made with the intention of studying the adaptability to the different zones of the "Bolivian Altiplano" that is a middle height of 3800 +-200 m.a.s.l. and temperatures between [-15 to 20ºC] in all the periods. The experiences developed in La Paz, Potosi and Tarija, in coordination with chinese experts and lately in Cochabamba and Oruro with the organization "Amigos de los Bosques", will be explained with detail. Special emphasis has put on in the effect of the conditions of temperature, humidity, pluvial precipitation and quality of soils. In base to preliminary results, that now is in the phase of confirmation, studies have been done about projection above the effects that will cause the "Introduction of the Seabuckthorn in the Bolivian Altiplano" (South of La Paz, Oruro and North of Potosi), in base of the use of the kindness that offers the plant.